Skills Competition Information
Wednesday July 16th, 2025
5:30-6:00 PM: Teams Should Start Meeting by the Windlestrae Pavilion
6:00-6:30 PM: Opening Ceremony of the Festivities
(DJ Farrar’s Family will speak, Run down of the night’s events, DJ Farrar Memorial Award Presented)
* It is asked that even if you are not staying for the skills competition, you come to this
introductions ceremony as it connects the players with the cause.
6:30-7:30 PM: Preliminary Rounds will Take Place
7:30-8:00 PM Time for Players and Coaches to Eat and Relax
8:00 PM: Final Rounds Take Place and at end, Trophies are presented.
Grill will be open from 5:00 PM – End but will stop during opening ceremonies.
Event: Need For Speed (2 players)
Preliminary Field: Windlestrae Field 3
Goal: TO Have the Fastest Time Running from Home Plate back to Home Plate
Description: First participant must run from Home Plate to 1st Base, to 2nd Base, to 3rd Base, back to Home Plate then handoff a baseball to their partner who will run the same course on a 60’ bases field in the fastest time.
Rules: The timer will say start when the first player leaves the right handed batter’s box. Individually each player will run touching each base and the clock will stop once home plate is touched again by the second player. All missed bases are a 5 second penalty. Each pair of runners will run two times and their fastest time will be taken. This is a relay race.
The top 3 teams will advance to the final round. Times will reset and they will be placed regarding their run time in the finals. Finals will take place between the Home Run Derby Rounds on Windlestrae 1.
Awards for the final 2 teams of 2 players for each age group.
Event: Arm of a Champ (1 player)
Preliminary Field: Windlestrae Field 2
Goal: To Have the Most Points Correlating to Best Accuracy Based on Scoring Below
Description: Participant must throw 5 baseballs from a spot marked in centerfield (125’ for 12U and 100’ for 10U) to Home Plate where a target is sitting.
Rules: Participants will have 5 throws from the marked spot to Home.
If the ball…
Hits the bullseye: 5 Point
Hits the Closest ring to the bullseye: 3 Points
Hits the board: 1 Points
In the event of a tie, the participants will have three throws and the most points on those throws will advance. If a tie still exists, it will be sudden death and each throw will be looked at, higher points after each throw will be a tie breaker.
The top 3 Participants will advance to the final round. Points will reset and they will be placed regarding their point total in the finals only. Finals will take place between the Home Run Derby Rounds on Windlestrae 1.
Awards for the final 2 players for each age group.
Event: Around the Horn
Preliminary Field: Windlestrae Field 4
Goal: TO Have the Fastest Time Around the Horn
Description: Participant must throw a baseball around the horn and outfield according to the rules below. Fastest times will advance.
Rules: Ball must be thrown in the following order. Players must tag the base at their position. Time begins when the ball hits the Catcher’s mitt from the pitcher and ends once the catcher gets the ball from the left fielder.
Players may tag base with glove or any part of the body!
A five second penalty will be assessed for each umpire-assisted overthrow and
each missed base including home plate.
The pitcher throws the baseball to the catcher. (the team's time begins when the catcher tags home plate and releases the baseball.) if the catcher misses home plate, time begins when the baseball is released + a 5 second penalty is assessed.
The catcher must throw the ball to the third baseman tagging third base.
The third baseman must throw the ball to the second baseman tagging second base.
The second baseman must throw the ball to the first baseman tagging first base.
The first baseman must throw the ball to the catcher tagging home plate.
The catcher must throw the ball to the shortstop tagging second base.
The shortstop must throw the ball to the right fielder tagging the outfield spot in right field and throwing the ball to the second baseman tagging second base.
The second baseman must throw the ball to the center fielder who must tag the outfield spot in centerfield and throw the ball to the third baseman tagging third base.
The third baseman must throw the ball to the left fielder who must tag the outfield spot in leftfield and throw the ball to the catcher covering home plate. (the team's time ends when the catcher tags home plate.)
In the event of a tie, the participant with the least errors will advance. If there is still a tie, both teams will advance to the finals round. The top 3 Teams will advance to the final round. Times will reset and they will be placed regarding their time in the finals only. Finals will take place before the Home Run Derby Rounds on Windlestrae
Please note the distances will be the same although the field is a smaller field.
Award to the Fast Team only for each age group.
Event: The Great Bambino
Preliminary Field: Windlestrae Field 1
Goal: To Have the Most Home Runs.
Description: Participants will hit using coach pitch and will try to hit Home runs over the fence (the field is smaller). The most home runs will advance. 12U players will hit from home plate. 10U players will hit from a designated area between pitchers mound and 2nd base.
Rules: There will be 3 rounds. The first round will be all participants. All batters will get 10 swings. If they don’t swing the pitch doesn’t count but players must remember there is a schedule that is trying to be kept on time. The top 4 batters will advance to the finals. In the finals, the batters will all get 5 swings and the top 2 will advance to the last round and 5 swings will decide the winner.
In the event of a tie, cumulative homeruns will decide the winner. If after cumulative homeruns there is no winner then we move to sudden death.
Top 2 batters from each age group receive awards.